Fishing is done by boat or model boat. It is fished only in the Catch & Release system (catch and release). The retention of any species of fish is strictly prohibited.
The minimum duration of a carp fishing trip is three days (72 hours). The fishing day is calculated for a 24-hour interval. At the start of the game, access to the stand can be done starting at 2:00 p.m. At the end of the game, the stand must be vacated by 12:00.
The minimum charging period is three days (72 hours), followed by 24-hour intervals.
One or two fishermen can fish on a stand. For each stand, a maximum number of 6 rods is allowed.
1 Fisherman -> 4 rods
2 Fishermen -> 6 rods
(a) Cottages with terrace and 2 beds equipped with sheets (without blanket and pillow).
(b) Current
(c) Wi-Fi Internet
(d) Surveillance system
(e)On each stand, the lake administration makes the following equipment available to fishermen free of charge: a reception mat, a weighing mat, a weighing tripod. A BIC boat is also available.
(f) Mattresses made available to fishermen will be handed over on the basis of a report. In case of their damage due to incorrect use, fishermen will pay their consideration as follows:
– reception mattress = 500 lei
– weighing mat = 200 lei
(g) Anglers may use their own receiving or weighing mats if they wish, but only after disinfecting them upon arrival at the lake in the parking area. They must be at least 1 m. For the protection of the fish, it is forbidden to use own reception and weighing mats if they have not been disinfected before the start of the game.
(a) Upon arrival at the lake, before going to the fishing stand, the fishermen have the obligation to stop at the administration headquarters in order to acquire the lake regulations.
(b) The machine can be pulled up to the stand to unload the equipment. After unloading their equipment at the stand, fishermen are obliged to take their cars to the parking lot next to the administration building. Cars will remain in the parking lot for the duration of the fishing match.
(c) At the end of the game, anglers may bring their cars to the stand to load equipment, but only after notifying the administration. The administration must also be notified when removing the rods from the water. Driving around the lake without the knowledge and consent of the administration is prohibited.
(d) The lake administration reserves the right to control the luggage or cars of anglers at any time from entering the premises until leaving it. Refusal to allow baggage or car inspection may be considered theft and may result in suspension of the right to fish on Lake Orlat.
(e)Access to or exit from the lake is permitted from sunrise to sunset for both customers and visitors. Visitors cannot stay on the lake overnight. Visitors cars cannot be brought to the fishing stands. Visitors cars will remain in the arranged parking lot next to the administration building for the entire duration of the visit. Visiting hours are from 08:00 to 18:00
(f) Departure from the beach for supplies / shopping is only between 08:00 and 18:00
(g) Car traffic around the lake is done at low speed. The maximum speed allowed within the lake is 5km/h.
(a) Fishing is allowed only with specialized equipment for carp - rods, reels, lures, etc. No feeder fishing equipment or other fishing styles are accepted. The net must have an opening of at least 1m and be equipped with a net with small meshes. Anglers are required to have at least two lies per stand. The beds must be disinfected upon arrival at the lake, in the parking area.
(b)The main line must be a monofilament (nylon or fluorocarbon) of minimum 0.40mm. The fisherman is obliged to use a monofilament leader of at least 0.60 mm . Fishing with textile main line is not allowed.
(c) It is mandatory to use a segment of leadcore or anti-tangle tube with a minimum length of 70cm.
(d) When using the boat, the possession and use of the life jacket is mandatory.
(e) In planted fishing, the use of flexible tubular beacons, which do not hook the main line, is permitted. Flexible beacons can remain in place throughout the game. The use of H-beacons for searching and temporarily marking places is allowed. After the fishing spots have been established, the H-beacons should be removed from the water. It is forbidden to fish H-beacons because during the drill the fish can become entangled in the line of the beacon.
(f)Camo or khaki carp tents are permitted. Pavilions or shade are accepted. For camping, fishermen must use a tent or a shed. The tents will be set up only on the side and paved area of the stand, without obstructing the central area by covering the surveillance camera.
(g) Anglers are required to be equipped with chest boots for possible photography of large catches in the water, considering that all catches over 19kg can only be photographed in the water.
(a) Fishing is permitted only with single-hook carp rigs.
(b) The rig must be capable of releasing the lead in the event of a break in the main line. The use of a clip above the leadcore segment or anti-tangle tube is prohibited. If loose lead clips are used, anglers are required to ensure that the lead can fall out of the clip properly. It is prohibited to use clips that do not release the lead correctly or to lock the clips in order not to lose the lead.
(c) Size 2 to size 6 carp style hooks are accepted. The use of small hooks, such as those used in feeder fishing, is prohibited.
(a) Baits allowed on Lake Orlat are: boiled or soluble boilies, pellets, pastures (groundbait mixes) and seeds and prepared tiger nuts. Uncooked seeds or nuts are not accepted.
(b) For water management and fish health reasons, the administration reserves the right to prohibit the use of certain types of bait and to limit the quantities of bait used. Please contact the administration for details.
(a) Rods must be supervised at all times. The presence of a fisherman in the stand is mandatory for the entire duration of the fishing match. If the stand is occupied by a single angler and the angler is absent from the stand for a period of time, the rods must be removed from the water. Do not leave rods unattended.
(b) When removing the fish from the water, the angler must untie the line and run the net. The removal of the fish from the water is done only with the help of the weighing mattress (sling), together with the lie.
(c) Receiving mats must be freshly wetted.
(d) If the fisherman considers that the fish caught exceeds the 19kg barrier, he has the obligation to notify the administration by phone at any time. The fish must not be washed ashore. It will be kept in the lien or transferred with the lien net to the weighing mat for safekeeping until the arrival of administrative staff.
(e) Weighing and photographing catches over 19kg will only be done in the presence of administrative staff.
(f) Fish over 19kg will only be photographed in water, regardless of the time of year.
(g) Bagging of fish is prohibited. It is forbidden to put storage bags inside the lake.
(h)It is mandatory to use the disinfectant made available to fishermen by the administration.
(i) We reserve the right to feed the fish if the pond is not more than 50% occupied.
(a) The fishing stand, camping area, toilets and showers must be kept clean for the duration of the fishing trip.
(b) Fishing while intoxicated or under the influence of drugs is prohibited. The angler behavior must be civil throughout the game.
(c) Bathing in the lake is prohibited.
(d) The use of open flames is prohibited. It is allowed to use the grills on legs provided by the administration. The resulting coals are waste and must be disposed of in the trash after extinguishing.
(e)Considering the environmental regulations, waste collection and storage will be done in fractions as follows:
– pet / plastic / metal -> utility bag.
– bottle -> trash. -> cleaning bag
– residual waste (food scraps or biodegradable, catering packaging) -> bin.
The lake administration provides anglers with bags to be used according to the above instructions.
To avoid the breeding of rodents, it is forbidden to store food scraps in other places than in the dedicated bag.
(f) In case of lightning storm, fishermen are required to stop fishing.
(g) In the case of a single angler, leaving the stand is only done if a stand neighbor supervises the rods left in the water, otherwise they must be removed from the water.
(h) Smoking is prohibited inside the cabins
The administration of the lake is exempted from any civil, administrative and material liability for any form of accidents. This regulation functions as a labor protection act.
Failure to comply with the regulation automatically results in the suspension of the right to fish on Lake Orlat.
Any situation not covered by these regulations will be resolved by the lake administration and will immediately become mandatory.
By signing the documents received at the start of the fishing trip, you agree to be video monitored by the surveillance system installed to stop poaching and resolve various conflicts.
Fishermen have the obligation to pick up and dispose of their own waste generated during the fishing trip.