Orlat Lake

A Paradise for Fishermen

A unique lake, designed especially for professional fishing, with perfect conditions and exceptional catches.

Passion for fishing
meet perfection

Equipped for professional fishermen, Lake Orlat offers modern facilities and the best conditions for memorable fishing parties.

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Enjoy exclusive access to Lake Orlat, the ideal location for professional fishing. Take advantage of modern facilities, dedicated events and a passionate fishing community.

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Join the Orlat Lake community for access to professional fishing grounds, personalized information and dedicated support for an unforgettable experience.

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Discover the beauty of Orlat Lakea peaceful destination to relax, explore and connect with nature.

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Experience high level fishing

Need a fishing challenge? Lake Orlat is the perfect place to test your skills and experience high-level fishing. Take advantage of the following benefits of our lake now:

  • Natural beauty

    Our lake is surrounded by a special natural landscape with forests, hills, mountains and picturesque views. This offers a fishing experience in an impressive natural setting.
  • Fish Population

    Lake Orlat is known for its large catches of carp. It offers excellent opportunities for anglers who want to catch a big carp to break their record. In April 2023, the lake was populated with more than 750 pieces of carp, the largest being approximately 25.6 KG, and the average being 13KG.

Explore the tranquility and beauty of nature.

Find Orlat Lake , the perfect place for relaxation, adventure and connecting with nature, in a fairytale landscape.


Learn about the experiences of fishermen who have become members of the community Orlat Lake and how fishing has become more enjoyable and efficient for them.

" O locație unde se întâlnește perfecțiunea cu realitate. Aflată într-un loc superb, toate condițiile la un nivel ridicat. Administrația lacului stă la dispoziția pescarilor la orice moment, Iar despre pești.. mulți, frumoși, mari, bătăioși. "

- Peter Balint

" Administratorii lacului sun amabili si stau la diponibilitatea pescarului la nevoie. "

- Veres Levente

"Anul acesta am avut doua partide, din care un concurs amical. Din toata sinceritatea este o balta excelenta din toate punctele mele de vedere. Pozitionat bine. Adancimi bune. Conditi de nota 10, casutele sunt perfecte cat si zona sanitara. Iar Administratori lacului sunt baieti de nota 1000 "

- Nagyosi Peter

" Am aflat de lac si de conditiile de acolo de la diverse persoane si am hotarat sa petrec o saptamana de vacanta cu familia.Nu m-am gandit o clipa ca datorita peisajului, populatiei piscicole, dotarilor gasite in stand si mai ales a oamenilor va fi o saptamana de vis iar acest lac va deveni cu siguranta un loc in care vreau sa petrec cat mai mult timp. Asta se intampla cand pasiunea pentru pescuit gaseste locul, resursele si oamenii care rezoneaza cu acest proiect. "

- Bogdan Barbu ( Vecinu' )